Empowering the Future: The "Send" Aspect of Spiritual Multiplication

As we reach the conclusion of our three-part series on the method of spiritual multiplication championed by FOCUS, we turn our focus to the final, pivotal step: "Send." The "Send" aspect is where the true essence of discipleship comes to fruition, empowering individuals to step out in faith, share the Gospel, and make disciples of all nations.

A smiling woman speaking in front of an engaged group of young people

As we reach the conclusion of our three-part series on the method of spiritual multiplication championed by FOCUS, we turn our focus to the final, pivotal step: "Send." Having explored the transformative "Win" and "Build" phases, where people are drawn to Christ and nurtured in their faith, we now examine the culmination of this journey. The "Send" aspect is where the true essence of discipleship comes to fruition, empowering individuals to step out in faith, share the Gospel, and make disciples of all nations.

The Mission of Sending

The "Send" phase is all about commissioning and mobilization. It's where the individuals, now grounded in their faith and equipped with knowledge and experience, are encouraged to step beyond their comfort zones and live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). This step is a testament to the cycle of spiritual multiplication coming full circle: people who were once drawn into a personal relationship with Christ are now ready to be the ones doing the drawing, impacting others' lives just as theirs were impacted.

Equipping for the Journey

FOCUS prepares individuals for this sending forth through leadership training, mission trips, and continued mentorship focusing on evangelization skills and spiritual resilience. The aim is to foster a generation of leaders who are passionate about their faith and capable of articulating it compellingly and living it out authentically in various settings—be it on campus, in their future families, workplaces, parishes, or the wider community.

The Ripple Effect

The beauty of the "Send" aspect lies in its potential to create a ripple effect across communities and generations. These sent individuals carry with them the light of Christ, ready to ignite the same flame in the hearts of others. It's a process that ensures the sustainability of the mission, making the evangelization self-perpetuating as more and more people are drawn into a relationship with Christ and then sent forth to do the same for others.

A Call to Our Donors and Community

To our esteemed donors and the broader community, the "Send" phase embodies the ultimate goal of our collective efforts: to form faithful Christians who are active participants in the New Evangelization. Your support has been instrumental in reaching this phase, and we invite you to continue to stand with us as we send forth these bright, faith-filled individuals into the world.

Moreover, the principle of "Send" can resonate in your own lives as well. Consider how you might be called to share your faith more actively or support others in doing so. Whether through mentorship, supporting missions, or simply living out your faith with renewed zeal, you play a crucial role in this grand mission of making disciples.

Looking Forward

As we conclude our series, we are reminded that the journey of spiritual multiplication does not end here. "Send" is both an ending and a beginning—the launchpad for continuous growth, learning, and sharing. Together, we are part of a dynamic, ever-expanding network of believers committed to living out and sharing the transformative love of Christ.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the "Win, Build, Send" method of spiritual multiplication. Your engagement, support, and prayers are vital as we continue to equip and send forth individuals to spread the Gospel and transform the world. Together, let's embrace this call to send and be sent, advancing the kingdom of God with every step we take.

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